Luminosa news ! — posadas
Spring has Sprung !
arbotante architectural lighting ceiling lighting ceramic lighting chandelier christmas colgante collaborative community contemporary lighting contemporay copper Copper lighting custom lighting decorative lighting exterior lighting felices fiestas illumination iluminacion iluminacion de cobre iluminacion de techo lámpara modern design modern lighting navidad pendant lamp pendant light posadas season greetings Viva mexico wall sconce walls sconce whats new

We have just returned form a very successful trade fair in Guadalajara at Expo Mueble International showing new concepts, lighting and finishes.
We are thrilled to assist, designers, architects, developers and the public realize lighting in their installations.
Seasons Greetings
arbotante architectural lighting ceiling lighting chandelier christmas collaborative community contemporary lighting custom lighting decorative lighting design exterior lighting felices fiestas handmade happy new year iluminacion de cobre iluminacion de techo lámpara modern design modern lighting navidad pendant lamp pendant light posadas relationship season greetings wall sconce

Felices Fiestas !
architectural lighting christmas contemporary lighting decorative lighting felices fiestas iluminacion de techo navidad posadas season greetings Viva mexico

There are many special traditions surrounding Christmas in Mexico. Some of these originated in Spain and others developed due to Mexico's unique and particular history. The festivities surrounding Christmas last through much of the month of December, but in fact, the Christmas season isn't well and truly over until February 2nd. The traditional Christmas parties, the Posadas officially begin on the 16th of December one each day for nine days leading up to Christmas day. Although many Mexican families have Christmas trees, nativity scenes are a more common Christmas decoration and many families place elaborate Nativity scenes in their homes...